Friday, September 3, 2010

Day.. 2? ...i already lost track.

okay first off it is so freakin hot here.. and HUMID. i am constantly in a state of sweat...  multiple times throughout the day i feel sweat droplets fall down my back... disgusting im sorry but its just extremely humid. add on the long pants and long shirts we have to wear and you get extremely comfortable conditions (yes, thats sarcasm).

the chai tea is soooo good. its like 3 rupies which is like a cent, but its like 4 oz. haha. they make it soooo delicious, i wish every single one of you could have a cup right now. you'd all freak. i've had like 3 cups today.

there has been thunder tonight. i am scared of thunder.

our room is infested with ants. there is a gecko that likes to hang out on the ceiling right outside our room. im not exactly a fan. my roomate and i stomp around our room trying to kill all the ants before bed. its quite a scene. we feel powerful for destroying so many creatures. (not true, we are terrified of the tiny things, its a little pathetic).

okay. we went to the christian hospital today. absolutely incredible. i don't even know if i can remember everything to tell you but it was insanely overwhelming. CMC (the hospital) is one of the top leading hospitals in the world. it has a surgical unit, emergency, ICU, radiology, maternal, pediatrician, PT, OT, rehab, psych clinic and ward, outpatient services, inpatient services, nuclear medicine, cardiology clinic... and it leads india and the world in top care provided by nurses... they are like top of the line nurses. so this sounds amazing right? well walking through the campus you would have no idea that it was a top hospital in the world. it is dirty and unsanitary and there are people lying on the road all over campus with rotting injuries, and crap on the ground, and trash everywhere, and a well in the middle of campus with clean water and people in the community were lined up in huuuuge lines to get clean water. incredible to see. we toured through the hospital today and went through the different wards and departments. we walked into the pediatric casualty ward and right when we stepped in a mother ran in front of me holding her seizing child. he was hanging over her arms with has eyes rolled in the back of his head and was seizing, and his mother was running through the hospital to the pediatric trauma center. i didn't think i was going to be able to continue walking through the hospital. that about knocked me over. tears welled up in my eyes and we continued on. then we turned the corner into one of the outpatient wards and there were so many people we could barely walk through. so many people. there was a young girl holding her mentally challenged younger brother on the floor... and just so many sick people. we met with the dean of the nursing school and she said this hospital sees 10,000 people a day at the minimum. WOW. i think that was the most shocking, just the sheer numbers. there were so many people there. there are two types of hospitals in this country, the public hospitals that are government run (and crappy) and private hospitals. The private hospitals cost money and the public hospitals are completely free. but this hospital provides care for everyone no matter how much they can pay. and they give as good of care in the low cost effective areas as they do in the parts of the hospital that people pay to receive their care. you will find a disparity in the care, but its not due to the personnel, its because of the severe lack of resources in the low cost effective units. interesting. in fact, people come from all over to be treated by these nurses. they are that good.

so walking through seeing all of this disparity and hopelessness just because its like how could all of these people possibly be treated there are tooo many! and then all over the hospital they have these signs of scripture verses. i could barely hold it together. i took pictures of some but they were like.. (i don't remember where they were found in the bible, another girl wrote them down so i will have them)

the lord delights in you.

God will wipe away every tear

...okay i don't really remember a lot but they were awesome verses and very powerful especially in that setting. i will definitely look them up and share them with you.

tomorrow we are going to the department of infectious diseases. they teach a class on something (i don't remember specifically, something that has to do with infectious diseases) and its top in the world. one of the people who runs the department did some work with UW as well. i am very excited.

i need to remember to upload my pictures so i can put some up here. we have to go to the lecture hall or library and i keep forgetting to bring my camera. gahh. i will this weekend though i think we have some chill time.

alright. this morning i got up at 4:30 and showered thinking i was running late for breakfast... which is at 7. lets hope that doesn't happen again.

alright. so basically its been incredible. there is so much more to tell but my fingers are tired and my contacts are drying to my eyeballs. aka its time for bed.

i will write more WITH PICTURES!

thank you again for prayers.



  1. May the Lord strengthen you. You are His shining light to the world! I believe the Lord said to listen very closely to Him. If you listen closely, He will download things into your brain that you will need. Blessings on you, precious Allyssa
